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Emigh Ace Hardware
3555 El Camino Ave
Sacramento, California 95821
Plant varieties ordered from Dave Wilson Nursery for 2025:
Black Mission Fig
The industry standard. Purplish-black skin, strawberry-colored flesh, rich flavor. Heavy bearing, long-lived, large tree. Coast or inland. Coast or inland. Fresh/dry/can. 100 hours. Self-fruitful. USDA Zones 7-9.
Improved Brown Turkey Fig
Large, brown skin, pink flesh. Sweet, rich flavor, used fresh. Widely adapted - coast or inland climate. Small tree, prune to any shape. 100 hours. Self-fruitful. USDA Zones 7-9.
Arbequina AS1® Olive
Arebequina has become California's top variety for oil production. Mild and fruit flavor with low bitterness, the fruit is very high in oil content. It has a compact growing habit and is moderately frost hardy. Self-fruitful, but produces higher yields when planted with a pollenizer such as Arbosana.
Mission Olive
The classic California olive, this variety is the most versatile for the home garden. Whether for curing or oil production, Mission is considered a true edible ornamental. Colder hardier than most olive varieties. Self-fruitful but produces higher yields with a pollenizer.
Ambrosia Pomegranate
Medium to large, pale pink skin, purple sweet-tart juice, similar to Wonderful. Long-lived, inland or coastal climate. 150 hours. Self-fruitful.
Parfianka Pomegranate
Large size red fruit is sweet with a hint of acidity. Arils are red with very small edible seeds. Vigorous upright plant dependably sets a heavy crop. Maintain at any height with summer pruning. Consistently receives the highest praise for overall flavor. Great for juice or fresh eating. A Dr. Gregory Levin introduction through U.C. Davis. Very highly rated in U.C.Davis taste tests. Some rate Parfianka as the best tasting pomegranate. Required chill hours 100-200. Self-fruitful, best in zones 7-10.
Emerald Southern Highbush Blueberry
Produces abundant clusters of large to very large berries with tasty, balanced sweet flavor. Very productive and highly rated. Zones 7-10. Self-fruitful. Estimated at 250 hours chill or less. (U.S. Plant Patent #12165)
Jelly Bean® Blueberry
Medium to large flavorful blueberries that harvests mid-summer. Unique, elongated leaves make this compact grower great for the edible landscape or patio pot. Self-fruitful. Zones 4-9. Est. chill requirement 600 hours or less. U.S. plant patent no. 24662.
Jewel Southern Highbush Blueberry
One of California's leading commercial varieties due to its high adaptability. Exceptional growth and high yields. Midseason harvest of large to very large berries with tangy sweet flavor. Chill requirement estimated at 200 hours. Self-fruitful, zones 7-10. (U.S Plant Patent #11807)
Jubilee Southern Highbush Blueberry
Southern Highbush. Midseason, sweet, firm berry. Upright and quite compact, with fruit borne on the outer periphery of the bush. Chilling requirement is estimated at 400-500 hours.
Misty Southern Highbush Blueberry
Southern Highbush. Early season. In the West Misty is quite vigorous, growing very well on the coast and in the inland heat. This especially flavorful fruit does well in areas with chilling as low as 150 hours and all areas with mild winters and hot summers.
O'Neal Southern Highbush Blueberry
Southern Highbush (low chill, tolerates heat). Large fruit is especially sweet and flavorful. Early season. Soil must be acidic, high in humus. 5-6 ft. bush. 200 hours. Self-fruitful, but plant two varieties for largest crops.
Reveille Southern Highbush Blueberry
Southern Highbush. Midseason. DWN house favorite. This berry has pleasing crunchy texture and excellent flavor. Chilling hours are listed at 400-500 hours.
Sharpblue Southern Highbush Blueberry
Southern highbush. Excellent flavor. Nearly evergreen in mild winter climates. Bears fruit nearly year-round. Vigorous plant to 6 ft. Dime-sized dark blue fruit. 200 hours.
Sunshine Blue Southern Highbush Blueberry
Southern highbush. Great flavored firm berries. Ripens May 10 through June 15 at Gainesville, Florida. Semi-dwarf evergreen bush with great fall color. Showy hot pink flowers fade to white in spring. Self-fruitful. Estimated chilling required 150 hours, but very cold hardy as well.
Baby Cakes® Blackberry
A dwarf, bush blackberry perfect for the patio pot. This thornless variety produces large, sweet berries in the summer often with a second crop in most regions. U.S. plant patent # 27,032. Self-fruitful. Zones 4-9. Est. chill requirement 400 hours.
Black Satin Blackberry
Thornless - Large firm berries 1.5" to 2", glossy black color fading to dull when ripe. Highly productive, semi-trailing vine with minimal suckering. Midseason harvest. Self- fruitful, but more productive with a second variety. Best in zones 5-9.
Heritage Raspberry
Everbearing - Large, sweet, dark red berries. Mild flavor and excellent quality. Good for all uses. Moderate early crop in June, July. Heavier late crop August through fall. Berries keep well on or off the vine. Upright growth habit. Self-fruitful. Best in Zones 4-11.
Navaho Blackberry
Upright, thornless. 1988 University of Arkansas introduction. Superb flavor in a small berry. Fruit is firm with significantly smaller seeds than other thornless varieties. Upright canes require no support. Popular with home gardeners and commercial producers alike. USDA Zone 6-10.
Raspberry Shortcake®
This dwarf, thornless bush raspberry thrives in a patio pot or in the landscape. It produces an abundant crop of sweet raspberries in midsummer. Self-fruitful. Zones 4-9. Est. chill requirement 500 hours or less. U.S. plant patent no. 22141.
Willamette Red Raspberry
Large to very large, long-conic berries. Very firm and deep red. Lower sugar content, slightly tart flavor. Good for all uses. Berries hold and store well. Main harvest June, July. Some support required. Self-fruitful. Best in Zones 5-10.
Goji Berry
Lycium barbarum (aka Wolfberry) Highly acclaimed for high nutrient and antioxidant value. Recently termed a superfood. Ripe berries can be used fresh, dried, frozen and in teas. Goji has an appealing spicy, nutty flavor. Berries are bright red-orange when ripe. Harvest summer through fall. Shrubby plant to 8-12 ft. or prune to desired manageable size. Hardy to sub-zero and very drought tolerant once established. Requires neutral to slightly alkaline soil. Well adapted to container growing. Self-fruitful. USDA Zones 4-11.
Black Monukka Seedless Grape
Large, purplish-black, sweet, crisp. Does not require as much summer heat as Thompson. Use fresh or for raisins. Early midseason. 100 hours. Self-fruitful. Cane or spur prune.
Flame Seedless Grape
Medium-sized, light red. Crisp, sweet, excellent flavor. For fresh use or raisins. Needs hot summer. Ripens before Thompson. Vigorous. 100 hours. Self-fruitful. Cane or spur prune.
Thompson Seedless Grape
Most popular grape in CA, AZ. Fresh and raisins. Pale green, very sweet. Thin the clusters for larger berries. Needs plenty of heat. 100 hours. Self-fruitful. Cane prune.