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Fruitful Organics
18737 Highland Valley Rd
Ramona, CA 92065
Plant varieties ordered from Dave Wilson Nursery for 2025:
Golden Delicious Apple
Long-time favorite for its sweetness and flavor. Reliable producer, adapted to many climates. Pollenizer for Red Delicious. Midseason harvest (September in Central CA). 700 hours. Proven very productive in trial with much less chilling than the estimated requirement. Self-fruitful. USDA Zones 5-10. A.k.a. Yellow Delicious.
Granny Smith Apple
From New Zealand. Large, late, green, all-purpose. Crisp, tart, excellent keeper. Requires long summer. Thrives in hot climates. 400 hours. Prolonged bloom: good pollenizer for other apples. Self-fruitful. USDA Zones 6-9.
Pink Lady® Apple
Hot climate apple from Western Australia. Very crisp, sweet tart, distinct flavor, good keeper. Skin reddish pink over green when ripe. White flesh resists browning. Harvest begins late October in Central CA, about three weeks after Fuji. Self-fruitful in many western U.S. climates; pollenizer recommended for best production. 300-400 hours. USDA Zones 6-9.
Flavor Delight Aprium® Interspecific Apricot
Apricot-plum hybrid. Resembles an apricot but with a distinctive flavor and texture all its own. High taste-test scores, one of the most flavorful early season fruits. Early June. Very low chilling requirement, less than 300 hours. Self-fruitful, but largest crops when pollenized by another apricot. (Zaiger)
Bing Cherry
Large, firm, juicy, sweet, nearly black when ripe. Superb flavor, the No. 1 cherry. Midseason. Large vigorous tree. Pollenized by Black Tart, Van, Rainier and Lapins. Also Stella in colder climates. 700 hours. USDA Zones 5-9.
Minnie Royal Cherry
Medium-sized red cherry, firm with good flavor. Ripens 11-14 days ahead of Bing. Tree is very productive with a low chill requirement. Pollenized by Royal Lee and Royal Crimson. 200-300 hours. (Pat. No. 12942) (Zaiger)
Royal Crimson Cherry
The long-awaited low-chill self-fruitful sweet cherry from Zaiger Genetics, Royal Crimson is a consistent producer of large, tasty, crimson-red fruit. Harvest is early to mid May. This important new variety is also an excellent pollenizer for Minnie Royal and Royal Lee. Estimated chill requirement 200-300 hours. Patent applied for. (Zaiger)
Royal Lee Cherry
Medium-sized red cherry, very firm with excellent flavor. Ripens 11-14 days ahead of Bing, Tree is very productive with a low chill requirement. Pollenized by Minnie Royal and Royal Crimson. 200 to 300 hours. (Pat. No.12417) (Zaiger)
Royal Rainier Cherry
Large yellow cherry with slightly more red blush than Rainier. Excellent flavor, taste test winner. Ripens early, about 3-5 days ahead of Rainier. Chill requirement 500 hours. Pollenized by Bing, Black Tartarian and Lapins. USDA Zones 5-9. (Zaiger)
Sprite Cherry-Plum Interspecific Plum
Japanese plum x cherry-plum. Sweet, freestone, not tart. Flavorful, refreshing wonderful fresh eating. Ripe fruit holds on tree 3-4 weeks. Adapted to most climates. 400 hours. Pollenized by Delight. (Zaiger)
Green Gage (Bavay's) European Plum
Superior selection of gage-type European plum. Small to medium-sized, richly flavored & very sweet. Excellent fresh and for cooking. More productive in moderate winter climates than common Green Gage. Originated in Belgium in 19th century. Estimated winter chilling requirement 700 hours. Self-fruitful.
Black Mission Fig
The industry standard. Purplish-black skin, strawberry-colored flesh, rich flavor. Heavy bearing, long-lived, large tree. Coast or inland. Coast or inland. Fresh/dry/can. 100 hours. Self-fruitful. USDA Zones 7-9.
Violette de Bordeaux Fig
Small to medium size purple-black fruit with a very deep red strawberry pulp and distinctive, sweet, rich flavor. Brebas are pear-shaped with a thick, tapering neck; main crop figs are variable, often without neck. Medium eye. Excellent fresh or dried. A naturally small (semi dwarf) tree. Frost hardy. Good for container culture or small spaces. Self-fruitful. USDA Zones 5-10.
Illinois Everbearing Mulberry
Spice Zee NectaPlum™ Interspecific Nectarine
The first NectaPlum® from Zaiger Hybrids. White-fleshed, nectarine x plum. Skin is dark maroon at fruit set, and turns pale pink when ripe. Fully ripe fruit is unparalleled in flavor, and both nectarine and plum traits are easily detectable. The tree is quite ornamental: tremendous purplish pink bloom in the spring followed by a flourish of red leaves which mature into lush green in late summer. Self-fruitful. Very productive. 200-300 hours. High chill adaptable. (Pat. No. 13503) (Zaiger)
Double Delight Nectarine
Sensational fruit: consistently the best flavored yellow nectarine plus magnificent, double pink flowers. Dark red-skinned, freestone fruit is sweet, with unusually rich flavor - very high scoring in taste tests. Heavy-bearing tree. Harvest early to mid-July in Central CA. 300 hours. Self-fruitful. (Zaiger)
Snow Queen White Nectarine
Taste test winner. Sweet, juicy, early season white freestone. Late June harvest in Central CA, 2-3 weeks ahead of Babcock peach. Long-time favorite in So. Calif. Low chilling requirement, 250-300 hours. Self-fruitful.
May Pride Peach
Very early peach for warm winter climates. Ripens in May, about with Desert Gold. Delicious, sweet and tangy, semi-freestone when fully ripe. Very large for such an early peach. Large, showy pink blossoms. 150-200 hours. Self-fruitful. (Zaiger)
Bartlett Pear
World's most popular pear. Early midseason, high quality, tolerates hot summers. 500-600 hours. Self-fruitful in most climates of Western U.S. Elsewhere, pollenized by Bosc, D'Anjou, Winter Nelis.
Fan-Stil® Pear
Bell-shaped yellow fruit with red blush. Crisp, juicy white flesh. Consistent bearer. Shows fire blight resistance. Ripens Aug-Sept. Self-fruitful. 150 hours. USDA Zones 5-10.
Chocolate Persimmon
Small to medium size, oblong, bright red skin. Sweet, spicy, firm, brown flesh, superb flavor - the choice of connoisseurs. 200 hours. Self-fruitful.
Fuyu (Jiro) Persimmon
(“Apple Persimmon”) Medium size, flat shape, still crunchy when ripe, non-astringent. Cool or hot climate. Hardy, attractive tree, practically pest free. Fall harvest. 200 hours. Self-fruitful.
Beauty Plum
Sweet, flavorful plum, more widely adapted than Santa Rosa (more productive in cool, rainy climates). Red over yellow skin, amber flesh streaked red. Ripens June in Central CA, a week or more before Santa Rosa. 250 hours. Self-fruitful.
Satsuma Plum
Long-time favorite plum in California. Mottled maroon over green skin, dark red meaty flesh. Sweet, mild, not tart. Excellent for jam. Harvest late July. 300 hours. Pollenized by Santa Rosa or Beauty.
Shiro Plum
Medium size greenish-yellow fruit is juicy and moderately sweet with a pleasing mild flavor. Bears reliably in many climates, including Western Oregon and California's northern coast. Late June/early July in Central CA. 400-500 hours. Self-fruitful.
Weeping Santa Rosa Semi-Dwarf Plum
One of the most flavorful, aromatic Japanese plums when fully ripe. Beautiful 8-10 ft. tree, weeping growth habit: long slender limbs bow gracefully to the ground. Easily espaliered. 200-400 hours. Self-fruitful.
Dapple Dandy Pluot® Interspecific Plum
Taste test winner. Ranks with Flavor King and Flavor Supreme Pluot® varieties as best-flavored fruit at Dave Wilson Nursery tastings. Creamy white and red fleshed freestone with wonderful plum-apricot flavor. Skin greenish-yellow with red spots, turning to a maroon and yellow dapple. August harvest in Central CA. 400-500 hours. USDA Zones 5-10. Pollenized by Flavor Supreme Pluot®, Flavor King Pluot®, Santa Rosa, Catalina or Burgundy Plum. (Zaiger)
Dapple Supreme Pluot® Interspecific Plum
A new low-chill Pluot®, Dapple Supreme derives its name from two of the best: Dapple Dandy and Flavor Supreme. Red dappled skin like Dapple Dandy and sweet red flesh like Flavor Supreme. 300 hours. Ripens mid-June. Pollenized by Flavorosa Pluot®. (U.S. Plant Patent No. 16412) (Zaiger)
Flavor Finale Pluot® Interspecific Plum
Medium- to large-sized with purplish-red skin and juicy amber-red flesh. Wonderful complex flavor. Harvest begins the second week of September and the fruit is edible well into October. Upright tree sets large crops. Originally taste tested as 5Z366. 500 hours. Pollenized by Santa Rosa or Burgundy plum, or Flavor Grenade Pluot®. (Pat. No. 16590) (Zaiger)
Flavor King Pluot® Interspecific Plum
Taste test winner. Unique plum-apricot hybrid with sensational bouquet and sweet, spicy flavor. Reddish-purple skin, crimson flesh. Harvest mid-August in Central CA. Naturally small tree. 400 hours or less. Pollenized by Flavor Supreme Pluot® or Dapple Dandy Pluot® and Santa Rosa or Late Santa Rosa plum. (Zaiger)
Flavorosa Pluot® Interspecific Plum
Deep purple-skinned fruit with red flesh. Mild, sweet flavor. Ripens at the end of May. Pollenized by Emerald Drop Pluot® or Mariposa plum. 400 hours chill required. (Zaiger)
Splash Pluot® Interspecific Plum
Small to medium-sized red-orange colored fruit, with very sweet orange flesh. Consistently among the highest scoring varieties at Dave Wilson formal fruit tastings. Round to heart-shaped fruit is excellent eaten fresh, dried or in desserts. Upright tree sets large crops once established. 400 hours or less. Pollenized by Santa Rosa plum or Flavor Grenade Pluot®. (Pat No. 14583) (Zaiger).
Wonderful Pomegranate
Large, purple-red fruit with delicious, tangy flavor. Best quality in hot inland climate. Gaudy red orange bloom, ornamental foliage. Long-lived, any soil. 150 hours. Self-fruitful.
Wonderful Pomegranate, tree form
Large, purple-red fruit with delicious, tangy flavor. Best quality in hot inland climate. Gaudy red orange bloom, ornamental foliage. Long-lived, any soil. 150 hours. Self-fruitful.
Jubilee Southern Highbush Blueberry
Southern Highbush. Midseason, sweet, firm berry. Upright and quite compact, with fruit borne on the outer periphery of the bush. Chilling requirement is estimated at 400-500 hours.
Pink Lemonade Northern Highbush Blueberry
A hybrid of Rabbiteye and Southern Highbush. A recently released selection developed in the 1970s by U.S.D.A. Beautiful interior and exterior pink colors develop with peak ripeness. Unique sprightly sweet flavor - highly desired by dessert chefs. Used as contrast with blue varieties. Zones 4-9. Self-fruitful. Est. chill requirement 300 hours.
Chester Blackberry
Thornless - Very large, sweet, high quality fruit. Flavorful even prior to peak ripeness. Semi-trailing growth habit, disease resistant. Well-known for winter hardiness. Self-fruitful. Best in zones 5-7; however, good production and flavor noted in zones 8–10.
Fall Gold Raspberry
Everbearing - Hybrid of Taylor X wild Korean mountain berry X Fall Red. Large to very large golden berries of excellent flavor. Extremely sweet and soft textured. Very adaptable and winter hardy. Harvest June through fall. Self-fruitful. Best in zones 4-11.
Nova Red Raspberry
Medium size dark red fruit. Mild flavor. Firm when ripe and very suited for U-pick, fresh market and freezing. Bears early May, June. Disease resistant, very cold hardy. Very few thorns. Self-fruitful. Best in zones 3 - 9, but also has done well in zones 10 and 11.
Triple Crown Blackberry
Thornless - Named for its three crowning attributes: flavor, productivity and vigor. Large, firm and flavorful berries. Can produce up to 30 lbs. of fruit per vine. Great for fresh use and canning. Long, semi-trailing canes require support. Highly adaptable. Summer harvest. Self-fruitful. Best in zones 5-10.
Dwarf Everbearing Mulberry
Morus sp. 'Dwarf Everbearing'
(Morus nigra) This bush form of mulberry continuously produces sweet blackberry-like fruit throughout the spring and early summer. A great choice for container growing, minor pruning will keep the plant compact. Mature height 10-20ft. if grown in the ground. Widely adapted, self-fruitful.
All-in-One Genetic Semi-Dwarf Almond
No. 1 almond for home orchards. Heavy crops of soft shell nuts with sweet, flavorful kernels. Hot summer required to ripen. 15 ft. tree, very winter and frost hardy. 300-400 hrs. Self-fruitful. (Zaiger)
Common Lilac
Syringa vulgaris
(Syringa vulgaris) Large showy clusters of pink to purplish-blue flowers, wonderful fragrance. Best in full sun (light shade in hottest areas), slightly alkaline soil. Grows to 20 by 20 ft. USDA zones 5-9.
Purple No. 1 Wisteria
Early bloomer, usually flowers the first season. Long clusters of dark purple flowers.
Golden Weeping Willow
Salix babylonica x Salix alba 'Tristis'
Fast-growing, cold hardy, short dormant period. Distinctive ornamental: yellow new growth against green older foliage and branches. Grows to 80 by 80 ft. or more (much larger than standard willow). Invasive roots. All zones, but best where winters are cold. Sometimes named Salix babylonica 'Aurea'.
Weeping Willow
Salix babylonica
Fast-growing, cold hardy, short dormant period. Long narrow leaves, pronounced weeping growth habit. Needs plenty of water. Stake high to develop usable area underneath. 30 by 30 ft. or larger.