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Horticultural Services
8460 Hwy 24
Manhattan, Kansas 66502
Plant varieties ordered from Dave Wilson Nursery for 2025:
Arkansas Black Spur Apple
Large, late season. Dark red skin, high quality even where summer nights are warm. For dessert and cooking. Keeps many months. Chilling requirement 500-600 hours. Proven very productive in trial with much less chilling than the estimated requirement. Partly self-fruitful. USDA Zones 5-9.
Harcot Apricot
From Canada. Frost hardy late bloom. Resists brown rot and perennial canker. Medium to large fruit ripens early to mid-June in Central CA. Sweet, juicy, rich flavor - one of the best. 700 hours. Self-fruitful. USDA Zones 4-9.
Spice Zee NectaPlum™ Interspecific Nectarine
The first NectaPlum® from Zaiger Hybrids. White-fleshed, nectarine x plum. Skin is dark maroon at fruit set, and turns pale pink when ripe. Fully ripe fruit is unparalleled in flavor, and both nectarine and plum traits are easily detectable. The tree is quite ornamental: tremendous purplish pink bloom in the spring followed by a flourish of red leaves which mature into lush green in late summer. Self-fruitful. Very productive. 200-300 hours. High chill adaptable. (Pat. No. 13503) (Zaiger)
Gleason Early (Lemon) Elberta Peach
Also called Improved Elberta or Lemon Elberta. Reliable, frost hardy yellow freestone for Utah and Pacific NW. Juicy, rich flavor. Harvest 10 days before Elberta. Can/freeze/fresh. 800 hours. Self fruitful.
Redhaven Peach
Long one of the world’s most widely planted peaches. High quality yellow freestone. Ripens early July in Central CA. Frost hardy, excellent producer. Fresh/freeze. 800 hours. Self-fruitful.
Bartlett Pear
World's most popular pear. Early midseason, high quality, tolerates hot summers. 500-600 hours. Self-fruitful in most climates of Western U.S. Elsewhere, pollenized by Bosc, D'Anjou, Winter Nelis.
Red D'Anjou Pear
Large, short necked, firm. Stores well, excellent quality and smooth texture. Ripens with D'Anjou around September 1st. Strong full red color is very even, unlike Red Bartlett which has a blushed color. 800 hours pollenized by Bartlett.
Late Santa Rosa Plum
Medium to large, reddish-purple skin, red-streaked amber flesh. Tart-sweet with rich flavor when fully ripe. Harvest about one month after Santa Rosa. 400 hours or less. Self-fruitful.