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Moon Valley Nursery
3252 East Telegraph Road
Fillmore, California 93015
(805) 521-4076
Plant varieties ordered from Dave Wilson Nursery for 2025:
Honeycrisp Apple
Winter hardy tree from the University of Minnesota. Fruit is crisp and juicy with an aromatic flavor. Striped red over yellow color. Stores well. Ripens mid-August. Pollenized by Gala, Granny Smith, Empire, McIntosh and Red Delicious. USDA Zones 3-9.
Multi-Bud Apple Low-Chill, Anna-Fuji-Dorsett Gldn-Gordon
Anna, Fuji, Dorsett Golden and Gordon budded onto M-111 rootstock. Finished trees include 4n1's plus assorted 3n1's and 2n1's.
Red Delicious (Bisbee Spur) Apple
Sweet, crisp, flavorful perhaps the best Red Delicious. Early fall. Small, compact tree. Good pollenizer for most other apples. 700 hours. Pollenized by Liberty, Granny Smith, Golden Delicious, Fuji, Gala. USDA Zones 4-7.
Lapins Cherry
Self-fruitful, dark red sweet cherry from Canada. Large, firm, good flavor. Similar to Van in color, Bing in shape. Sometimes sold as ‘Self-fertile Bing.’ Ripens 4 days after Bing. 500 hours or less. USDA Zones 5-9.
Royal Crimson Cherry
The long-awaited low-chill self-fruitful sweet cherry from Zaiger Genetics, Royal Crimson is a consistent producer of large, tasty, crimson-red fruit. Harvest is early to mid May. This important new variety is also an excellent pollenizer for Minnie Royal and Royal Lee. Estimated chill requirement 200-300 hours. Patent applied for. (Zaiger)
Black Mission Fig
The industry standard. Purplish-black skin, strawberry-colored flesh, rich flavor. Heavy bearing, long-lived, large tree. Coast or inland. Coast or inland. Fresh/dry/can. 100 hours. Self-fruitful. USDA Zones 7-9.
Improved Brown Turkey Fig
Large, brown skin, pink flesh. Sweet, rich flavor, used fresh. Widely adapted - coast or inland climate. Small tree, prune to any shape. 100 hours. Self-fruitful. USDA Zones 7-9.
Multi-Bud Fruit Salad, JulElb-Fantasia-Babcock-SRosa-Blenh
July Elberta Peach, Fantasia Nectarine, Babcock White Peach, Santa Rosa Plum and Blenheim Apricot budded onto Nemaguard rootstock. Finished trees include 5n1's plus assorted 4n1's and 3n1's.
Spice Zee NectaPlum™ Interspecific Nectarine
The first NectaPlum® from Zaiger Hybrids. White-fleshed, nectarine x plum. Skin is dark maroon at fruit set, and turns pale pink when ripe. Fully ripe fruit is unparalleled in flavor, and both nectarine and plum traits are easily detectable. The tree is quite ornamental: tremendous purplish pink bloom in the spring followed by a flourish of red leaves which mature into lush green in late summer. Self-fruitful. Very productive. 200-300 hours. High chill adaptable. (Pat. No. 13503) (Zaiger)
Desert Delight Nectarine
Proven producer in warm winter climates and highly recommended as an early season nectarine elsewhere. Large fruit with bright red skin, yellow flesh and delicious, rich, nectarine flavor. Harvest mid-June in Central CA. 100-200 hours. Self-fruitful. (Zaiger)
Double Delight Nectarine
Sensational fruit: consistently the best flavored yellow nectarine plus magnificent, double pink flowers. Dark red-skinned, freestone fruit is sweet, with unusually rich flavor - very high scoring in taste tests. Heavy-bearing tree. Harvest early to mid-July in Central CA. 300 hours. Self-fruitful. (Zaiger)
Flordaprince Peach
From Florida, successfully grown in So. Calif./Arizona. Larger fruit than Desert Gold, more tolerant of desert heat, better flavor. Semi-freestone when fully ripe. Ripens early May in warm areas. 150 hours. Self-fruitful.
Multi-Bud Peach Low-Chill, MayPr-DGold-MidPr-Flpr-EPr
May Pride, Desert Gold, Mid-Pride, Flordaprince and Eva's Pride budded onto Nemaguard rootstock. Finished trees include 5n1's plus assorted 4n1's and 3n1's.
Multi-Bud Peach Zaiger Pride Series, MP-AP-EP-JP-MP
Mid-Pride, August Pride, Eva's Pride, June Pride and May Pride budded onto Nemaguard rootstock. Finished trees include 5n1's plus assorted 4n1's and 3n1's.
Hood Pear
Very low chilling requirement, interfruitful with Flordahome. Large, early season fruit has yellow-green skin and sweet, mild-flavored flesh. Reported to be highly resistant to fire blight. 100-200 hours.
Multi-Bud Plum Low Chill, Japanese, Me-Be-SR-Bu-GN
Methley, Beauty, Santa Rosa, Burgundy and Golden Nectar budded onto Citation rootstock. Finished trees include 5n1's plus assorted 4n1's and 3n1's.
Western Cottonwood (Cottonless)
Populus fremontii
(COTTONLESS) (Populus fremontii) Fast-growing to 60 ft. or more, by 30 ft. wide. Shimmering leaves are especially distinctive, orna- mental. Widely adapted, including desert. Yellow fall color. Invasive roots. USDA Zones 6 to 10.
Weeping Willow
Salix babylonica
Fast-growing, cold hardy, short dormant period. Long narrow leaves, pronounced weeping growth habit. Needs plenty of water. Stake high to develop usable area underneath. 30 by 30 ft. or larger.