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Planting Justice
319 105th Ave
Oakland, CA 94603
Plant varieties ordered from Dave Wilson Nursery for 2025:
Chico Jujube
(G17-62) “Chinese date.” Round, flat-bottomed, sweet fruit of medium size. Partly self-fruitful. 200 hours. USDA Zones 5-9.
Anna Apple
Remarkable fruit for mild winter climates in So. Calif., So. Ariz. Heavy crops of sweet, crisp, flavorful apples even in low desert. Fresh/cooked. Keeps 2 months in refrigerator. 200 hours. Self-fruitful or pollenized by Dorsett Golden or Einshemer. USDA Zones 5-10.
Gala Apple
Wonderful dessert apple from New Zealand. Crisp, nice blend of sweetness and tartness, rich flavor. Skin reddish orange over yellow. Early harvest, 2 - 3 weeks before Red Delicious. Good pollenizer for other varieties. Adapted to cold- and warm-winter climates. Chilling requirement less than 500 hours. Self-fruitful. USDA Zones 4-10.
Garden Delicious Genetic Dwarf Apple
Sweet, crisp, superb flavor, even in hot climates. Greenish-yellow with red blush to full red. Dessert/cook, good keeper. September. 8-10 ft. tree, smaller with pruning. 600 hours. Self-fruitful. USDA Zones 4-8. (Zaiger)
Gordon Apple
Popular variety for Southern Calif. Low chilling requirement, about 400 hours. Red over green skin, good quality. For fresh use and cooking. Self-fruitful. USDA Zones 5-10.
Multi-Bud Apple Low-Chill, Anna-Fuji-Dorsett Gldn-Gordon
Anna, Fuji, Dorsett Golden and Gordon budded onto M-111 rootstock. Finished trees include 4n1's plus assorted 3n1's and 2n1's.
Red Delicious (Bisbee Spur) Apple
Sweet, crisp, flavorful perhaps the best Red Delicious. Early fall. Small, compact tree. Good pollenizer for most other apples. 700 hours. Pollenized by Liberty, Granny Smith, Golden Delicious, Fuji, Gala. USDA Zones 4-7.
Scarlet Sentinel Columnar Apple
Dense clusters of white blossoms followed by large, delicious, red-blushed, greenish-yellow fruit. Attractive, distinctive, narrow-growing (columnar) tree, grows to about ten feet. Trees topped for height control develop upright side limbs. Easily adapted to container growing. Estimated chilling requirement 800 hours. Proven very productive in trial with much less chilling than the estimated requirement. Pollenized by Northpoleâ„¢ or other apple varieties.
Winter Banana Apple
Large, round, especially beautiful apple: pale yellow waxy skin blushed with rosy pink. Crisp, tangy, juicy flesh is highly aromatic with a mild, banana-like flavor. Long time favorite dessert apple in CA's mild winter coastal climates. Good cider apple. Harvest mid to late-September in Central CA. Good keeper. Vigorous, spreading tree bears at young age. Excellent pollenizer for other apples. Originated in Indiana, introduced in 1890. Low winter chilling requirement, less than 400 hours. Partly self-fruitful, biggest crops if cross-pollenized. USDA Zones 4-9.
Autumn Glo Apricot
Late season apricot with tremendous flavor. Ripens in the first two weeks of August. Fruit is medium-sized with good color. One of the highest scoring apricot varieties to date at Dave Wilson Nursery fruit tastings. 500 hours or less. Self-fruitful. USDA Zones 7-9. (Zaiger)
Blenheim (Royal) Apricot
All-purpose freestone. Sweet, aromatic, flavorful - the long-time No. 1 apricot in California. Early bloom. Late June harvest in Central CA. 400 hours or less. Self-fruitful. USDA Zones 7-9.
Chinese Apricot
Cold hardy, frost hardy, sets heavy crops of small to medium size sweet fruit. Recommended for difficult, spring frost-prone climates. 700 hours. Self-fruitful. USDA Zones 4-9.
Flavor Giant Apricot
One of the earliest fruits of the year (ripens late May/early June in Central CA). Heavy crops of extremely large, sweet-tart, flavorful fruit. 500 hours or less. Self-fruitful. USDA Zones 7-9. (Zaiger)
Gold Kist Apricot
Excellent backyard apricot for warm winter climates. Freestone, very good quality. Heavy bearing. Early harvest, 3-4 weeks before Blenheim (Royal). 300 hours. Self-fruitful. USDA Zones 7-9. (Zaiger)
Harcot Apricot
From Canada. Frost hardy late bloom. Resists brown rot and perennial canker. Medium to large fruit ripens early to mid-June in Central CA. Sweet, juicy, rich flavor - one of the best. 700 hours. Self-fruitful. USDA Zones 4-9.
Hunza Apricot
Native to northwest Pakistan, the fruit is sweet and flavorful. Very cold hardy.
Katy Apricot
Large, all-purpose, flavorful freestone. Tree-ripe fruit is subacid (not tart). A favorite apricot for warm-winter climates. Early harvest, 3-4 weeks before Blenheim (Royal). 200 to 300 hours. Self-fruitful. USDA Zones 7-9. (Zaiger)
Moorpark Apricot
Long-time favorite of apricot fanciers for its exceptionally rich flavor and aroma. Reliable producer. Used fresh and for canning. 600 hours. Self-fruitful. USDA Zones 6-9.
Royal Rosa Apricot
Extremely vigorous - more disease tolerant than other apricots. Bears young and heavy. Especially nice fruit: sweet, low acid, fine flavor. Very early harvest (late May in Central CA). Excellent backyard apricot. 500 hours. Self-fruitful. USDA Zones 7-9. (Zaiger)
Tropic Gold Apricot
Medium-large fruit, yellow with orange-red blush. Ripens late June. Exceptional flavor. Discovered at Camarillo, CA. Low-chill, 350 hours or less. Self-fruitful. USDA Zones 7-9.
Wenatchee Moorpark Apricot
Long time favorite in Western OR & WA. Recommended for other western climates where spring rains and frosts limit apricot culture. Flavorful fruit used fresh, dried, canned. 700 hours. Self-fruitful. USDA Zones 5-9.
Cot-N-Candy White Aprium® Interspecific Apricot
White flesh apricot-plum hybrid. Medium-sized with incredible flavor, very sweet and juicy. Ripens early- to mid-July. Self-fruitful. 400 hours. USDA Zones 7-10. (Pat. No. 17827) (Zaiger)
Flavor Delight Aprium® Interspecific Apricot
Apricot-plum hybrid. Resembles an apricot but with a distinctive flavor and texture all its own. High taste-test scores, one of the most flavorful early season fruits. Early June. Very low chilling requirement, less than 300 hours. Self-fruitful, but largest crops when pollenized by another apricot. (Zaiger)
Tsu Li (Chinese) Asian Pear
Early bloom, pollenizer for Ya Li in warm winter climates. Juicy, crisp, greenish-yellow pear-shaped fruit. Vigorous tree. Harvest in September with Ya Li. 300 hours. Pollenized by Ya Li.
Bing Cherry
Large, firm, juicy, sweet, nearly black when ripe. Superb flavor, the No. 1 cherry. Midseason. Large vigorous tree. Pollenized by Black Tart, Van, Rainier and Lapins. Also Stella in colder climates. 700 hours. USDA Zones 5-9.
Black Tartarian Cherry
Medium-sized, nearly black, sprightly flavor, early season. Vigorous, productive tree. 700 hours. Pollenizer required - interfruitful with all popular sweet cherries. USDA Zones 5-7.
Compact Stella Cherry
Compact growth habit, semi-dwarf to 12 ft. Large, dark red fruit ripens late May. Self-fruitful. 500-800 hours. UDSA Zones 4-9.
English Morello Sour Cherry
Late-ripening tart cherry for cooking, sometimes eaten fresh when fully ripe. Dark red to nearly black fruit with dark juice. Small, round-headed tree with drooping branches (easy to harvest). European origins obscure, introduced to America prior to 1862. 500 hours or less. Self-fruitful. USDA Zones 4-9.
Kansas Sweet Cherry
(A.k.a. Hansen) Cross between sweet and sour cherry. Large mahogany fruit. Ripens late June. Partially self-fruitful or pollinate with another sweet cherry. 500 hours. USDA Zones 6-8.
Lambert Cherry
Large, black, late harvest. Highest quality, rivaling Bing. Less susceptible to cracking due to later season. 800 hours. Pollenized by Van, Rainier, or Black Tartarian. USDA Zones 5-9.
Lapins Cherry
Self-fruitful, dark red sweet cherry from Canada. Large, firm, good flavor. Similar to Van in color, Bing in shape. Sometimes sold as ‘Self-fertile Bing.’ Ripens 4 days after Bing. 500 hours or less. USDA Zones 5-9.
Minnie Royal Cherry
Medium-sized red cherry, firm with good flavor. Ripens 11-14 days ahead of Bing. Tree is very productive with a low chill requirement. Pollenized by Royal Lee and Royal Crimson. 200-300 hours. (Pat. No. 12942) (Zaiger)
Mona Cherry
Similar to Black Tartarian but fruit is larger and firmer. Mild, sweet flavor. Ripens late June. Pollinate with another sweet cherry. Approx. 600 hours. USDA Zones 4-8.
Montmorency Sour Cherry
Large, light red skin, yellow flesh. Perfect for cobblers, pies, etc. Extremely winter hardy. Very heavy bearing. 500 hours. Self-fruitful. USDA Zones 4-9.
North Star Dwarf Sour Cherry
Attractive, densely foliated, naturally small tree grows to about 8-10 ft. Hardy to -40 deg F, very productive, resists cracking and brown rot. Often bears in second year. Large, meaty, tart, red-skinned fruit with red juice. Excellent for pies and cobblers, also used fresh when fully ripe. From Minnesota, introduced in 1950. 500 hours. Self-fruitful. USDA Zones 4-9.
Rainier Cherry
Large, yellow with red blush. Sweet and flavorful. Very cold hardy. Midseason harvest. 700 hours. Pollenized by Van, Lambert, Lapins, Black Tartarian & Bing. USDA Zones 5-9.
Royal Ann Cherry
Long-time favorite yellow sweet cherry for eating fresh or canning. 700 hours. Pollenizer required - interfruitful with Van and Black Tartarian, not Bing. USDA Zones 5-7.
Royal Lee Cherry
Medium-sized red cherry, very firm with excellent flavor. Ripens 11-14 days ahead of Bing, Tree is very productive with a low chill requirement. Pollenized by Minnie Royal and Royal Crimson. 200 to 300 hours. (Pat. No.12417) (Zaiger)
Stella Cherry
Self-fruitful - no pollenizer needed. Large, nearly black, richly flavored sweet cherry similar to its parent, Lambert. Late harvest. 400 hours. Pollinates Bing, except in mild winter climates. USDA Zones 5-9.
Utah Giant Cherry
The industry favorite sweet cherry in Utah. Larger, firmer, more flavorful than Bing or Lambert. Good canner. Does not double. 800 hours. Pollenizer required: Bing, Lambert, Rainier, Van. USDA Zones 4-9.
Van Cherry
Very cold hardy, reliable, heavy bearing. Fine fruit similar to Bing, though usually smaller. 700 hours. Pollenizer required - interfruitful with all popular sweet cherries. USDA Zones 4-9.
Contorted Jujube
“Chinese date.” Interesting ornamental form: twisted, contorted branching. Round-shaped edible fruits similar to Li. Fruits reddish-brown when ripe, eaten firm and crunchy or room-dried to date-like chewy sweetness. Early fall harvest. Attractive, easy-to-grow tree: hardy, drought resistant, virtually pest and disease free. Requires long, hot summer. Very low chilling requirement. Partly self-fruitful or pollenized by Lang.
GA 866 Jujube
“Chinese date.” Outstanding, two-inch elongated fruit is exceptionally sweet with apple-like flavor. Ripens mid-autumn. Partly self-fruitful or pollenize with another jujube. 200 hours. USDA Zones 5-9.
Honey Jar Jujube
“Chinese date.” Extremely sweet, small to medium sized round fruit. Compact tree-form does well in drought conditions. Party self-fruitful. 200 hours USDA Zones 5-9.
Lang Jujube
“Chinese date.” Pear-shaped fruits are reddish-brown, dry, wrinkled,sweet and chewy (like dates) when fully ripe in early Fall. Attractive, easy to grow tree: hardy, drought resistant, virtually pest and disease free. Requires long, hot summer. Very low chilling requirement. Pollenized by Li or other jujubes. USDA Zones 5-10.
Li Jujube
“Chinese date.” The most popular jujube variety. Round shaped fruits are larger than Lang. Reddish brown, dry and wrinkled, sweet and chewy (like dates) when fully ripe in early fall. Attractive, easy to grow tree: hardy, drought resistant, virtually pest and disease free. Requires long, hot summer. Very low chilling requirement. Self-fruitful. USDA Zones 5-10.
Shanxi Li Jujube
“Chinese date.” Largest of the popular jujube varieties (over 2 inches), round shape. Apple-like flavor, sweetens when dried. Self-fruitful and a good pollenizer for other varieties. 200 hours. USDA Zones 5-9.
Sugar Cane Jujube
Round fruit is smaller than Li. Sweet, crunchy flesh. Tree is precocious, hardy, drought resistant, virtually pest and disease free. Requires long, hot summer. Very low chill requirement. Partly self-fruitful.
Black Beauty Mulberry
(Morus nigra sp.) Large, shiny fruit similar to Persian. Can be grown as a tree or large shrub. Attractive to birds. Self-fruitful. 200 hours or less. USDA Zones 4-10.
Cooke's Pakistan Mulberry
(Morus alba sp.) Selection of Pakistan mulberry. Very sweet fruit to 5 inches long. Heavy bearing beginning in early July. Self-fruitful. Estimated chilling requirement 200 hours. May not be reliably hardy in zones colder than USDA Zone 9.
Pakistan Fruiting Mulberry
Morus alba 'Pakistan'
Long (3 inches), firm, red to black, sweet fruit. Non-staining juice. Month-long early summer harvest. Fruit used fresh and for pies, jams and jellies. Large, vigorous, disease-resistant tree.
Persian Fruiting Mulberry
Morus nigra 'Persian'
Small sour plum. Crisp, dark yellow flesh. Widely grown and recognized among Middle Eastern cultures. Early ripening. Best crops when pollenized by another late blooming plum. 400-600 hours. USDA Zones 6-9.
Persian Fruiting White Mulberry
Morus nigra 'Alba'
Usually trained as a low hedge or tall shrub. Sweet, white fruit with a pink blush. Attractive to birds. Self-fertile. 200 hours or less. USDA Zones 6-10.
Tea's Weeping Mulberry
Morus alba 'Pendula'
(Morus alba ‘pendula’) Fast growing, heat-loving tree with blackberry-like fruit. Mature tree size 20 by 20 ft. Low chilling requirement. USDA Zones 4-9.
Arctic Queen White Nectarine
Delicious, super-sweet white nectarine, very similar to Arctic Rose, but ripening 3-4 weeks later (early August in Central CA). Rich flavor and nice crunchy texture when firm ripe, extremely sweet when fully ripe. High-scoring in taste tests. 600-700 hours. Self-fruitful. (Zaiger)
Double Delight Nectarine
Sensational fruit: consistently the best flavored yellow nectarine plus magnificent, double pink flowers. Dark red-skinned, freestone fruit is sweet, with unusually rich flavor - very high scoring in taste tests. Heavy-bearing tree. Harvest early to mid-July in Central CA. 300 hours. Self-fruitful. (Zaiger)
Necta Zee Miniature Nectarine
Sweet, very flavorful yellow freestone, beautiful red skin. Mid-June to early July in central CA. Strong, vigorous tree to 6 ft. Best self-fruitful miniature nectarine. 400 hours or less. Self-fruitful. (Zaiger)
Nectar Babe Miniature Nectarine
Excellent quality fruit: midseason yellow freestone with sweet, rich, delicious flavor. Heavy bearing 5-6 ft. tree. 400 hours or less. Pollenized by Honey Babe or other peach or nectarine. (Zaiger)
Snow Queen White Nectarine
Taste test winner. Sweet, juicy, early season white freestone. Late June harvest in Central CA, 2-3 weeks ahead of Babcock peach. Long-time favorite in So. Calif. Low chilling requirement, 250-300 hours. Self-fruitful.
Babcock White Peach
Long-time favorite white-fleshed freestone. Sweet and juicy, aromatic, low in acid. High scoring in taste tests. Ripens mid-July in Central CA. Widely adapted (low chill requirement, yet not early blooming). 250-300 hours. Self-fruitful.
Belle of Georgia Peach
Reliable, old time white peach with red blush. Firm freestone flesh tinged red. Highly flavored for fresh eating or canning. Vigorous. Resists bacterial spot. Very bud hardy. 800-850 hours. Self-fruitful.
Bonanza Miniature Peach
Popular yellow freestone. Large fruit is sweet, low in acid, with a mild, refreshing flavor. Mid to late June in Central CA, earlier in low desert climates. 5-6 ft. tree. Chilling requirement very low, 250 hours or less. Self-fruitful.
Desert Gold Peach
Very early ripening: May in Southern Calif./Arizona. Tree-ripened fruit has good flavor and sweetness for such an early variety. Yellow clingstone. Heavy bearing. 200 hours or less. Self-fruitful.
Donut (Stark Saturn) White Peach
Also called Saucer or Peento peach. Unique white-fleshed fruit with a sunken center (shaped like a doughnut). Sweet, with a mild flavor described by some as almond-like. Ripens late June/early July in Central CA. Estimated chilling requirement 200-300 hours. Self-fruitful.
Early Amber Peach
Full flavored, juicy, yellow semi-freestone for mild winter climates. Ripens mid-June in Central California between May Pride and Eva's Pride. 300-350 hours. Self-fruitful.
Flordaprince Peach
From Florida, successfully grown in So. Calif./Arizona. Larger fruit than Desert Gold, more tolerant of desert heat, better flavor. Semi-freestone when fully ripe. Ripens early May in warm areas. 150 hours. Self-fruitful.
Fortyniner Peach
Large yellow freestone, similar to its parent J.H. Hale. Excellent dessert quality. Ripens late July in Central CA, one week before Fay Elberta. 700 hours. Self-fruitful.
Halehaven Peach
From a cross of J.H. Hale and South Haven. Medium to large size, skin red over orange yellow. Yellow freestone flesh is juicy, sweet, low in acid, with excellent flavor. Midseason harvest, about two weeks before Elberta. Dessert/can/freeze. Winter and frost hardy. 900 hours. Self-fruitful.
Harken Peach
From Canada, a sibling of Canadian Harmony peach. Red-skinned medium size yellow freestone is sweet and flavorful, with non-browning flesh. Ripens early midseason, a few days after Redhaven. One of highest rated peaches for Western Washington. Dessert/cooking/freezing. 800 hours. Self-fruitful.
J.H. Hale Peach
Old variety, still one of the best. Very large, firm, superb flavor. Fresh/canned. Ripe August 1st in Central CA. Excellent frost hardiness. 800 hours. Another nectarine or peach needed to pollenize.
La Feliciana Peach
Heavy-bearing, high quality peach from Louisiana. Firm, flavorful, yellow freestone, matures in mid-July. Resists brown rot and bacteriosis. 400-500 hours. Self-fruitful.
Loring Peach
Taste test winner. Superb large yellow freestone. Excellent flavor and texture, low acid. Harvests over 2-3 week period, mid to late July in Central CA. Requires little or no thinning. Excellent for home orchard. 750 hours. Self-fruitful.
O'Henry Peach
Popular fresh market yellow freestone and an excellent choice for home planting. Large, firm, full red skin, superb flavor. Ripens early to mid-August in Central CA. Good for freezing. Strong, vigorous, heavy bearing tree. 750 hours. Self-fruitful.
Red Baron Peach
Flowering/fruiting. Large, juicy, firm, richly flavored yellow freestone fruit. High-scoring at DWN fruit tasting. Showy double red blossoms. Mid-July. Long-time favorite in Southern CA and Texas. Low chilling requirement, 250-300 hours. Self-fruitful.
Santa Barbara Peach
Bud sport of Ventura peach. Large, red-blushed yellow freestone, red near pit. Reported to perform well in Central and Southern California’s mild-winter coastal climates. Midseason harvest. Estimated chilling requirement 300 hours. Self-fruitful.
Saturn Peach
Flowering/fruiting. Spectacular large dark pink double blossoms. Yellow freestone fruit is large, juicy, sweet, low in acid, with a fine flavor. Mid-July in Central California. Long-time favorite in So. Calif. Low chilling requirement, 250-300 hours. Self-fruitful.
Strawberry Free White Peach
Long-time favorite white freestone peach for CA. Very sweet, aromatic, juicy, with superb, delicate flavor. Early to mid-July in Central CA. Highly recommended for home orchards. 400-500 hours. Self-fruitful
Chocolate Persimmon
Small to medium size, oblong, bright red skin. Sweet, spicy, firm, brown flesh, superb flavor - the choice of connoisseurs. 200 hours. Self-fruitful.
Fuyu (Imoto) Persimmon
Large size. Compared to Jiro, Imoto is more square and flattened. Non-astringent. (Good eating while still hard.) Self- fruitful. 200 hours. USDA Zones 7-10.
Fuyu (Jiro) Persimmon
(“Apple Persimmon”) Medium size, flat shape, still crunchy when ripe, non-astringent. Cool or hot climate. Hardy, attractive tree, practically pest free. Fall harvest. 200 hours. Self-fruitful.
Giant Fuyu Persimmon
Larger, not as flat as Fuyu. Crunchy when ripe like Fuyu. Sweet, flavorful, non astringent. Easy to grow, cool or hot climates. Fall harvest. 200 hours. Self-fruitful.
Izu Persimmon
Very sweet, tasty, non-astringent fruit ripens about three weeks before Fuyu. Medium to large size, round shape. Relatively small tree, good choice for backyard persimmon. 200 hours. Self-fruitful.
Maru Persimmon
Medium size, orange-red, round fruit. Beautiful glossy skin. If cross pollenized, flesh is dark cinnamon color and seeded. Very sweet, rich flavor, excellent quality. 200 hours. Self-fruitful.
Elephant Heart Plum
Home orchard favorite: large, heart-shaped fruit with sweet, juicy, richly flavored, firm red flesh. Dark reddish-purple mottled skin. Long harvest season - September in Central CA. Hardy, heavy bearing tree. 500 hours or less. Pollenize with Beauty or Santa Rosa.
Toka Plum
Cross between wild plum and apricot-plum. Small to medium-sized, dark cherry colored, semi-freestone plum. Yellow flesh is firm and tangy. From South Dakota, introduced in 1911. Excellent pollenizer for Japanese, American and hybrid plums. Cold hardy. USDA Zones 3-9.
Weeping Santa Rosa Semi-Dwarf Plum
One of the most flavorful, aromatic Japanese plums when fully ripe. Beautiful 8-10 ft. tree, weeping growth habit: long slender limbs bow gracefully to the ground. Easily espaliered. 200-400 hours. Self-fruitful.
Emerald Drop Pluot® Interspecific Plum
Medium to large fruit with green skin and yellow-orange flesh. Prolonged harvest: early picked fruit is firm, yet juicy and sweet. Left to hang, fruit turns greenish-yellow with honey-like orange flesh. Upright tree sets heavy crops once established. Harvest mid-July to late August. Originally tasted tested as 7HC165. 400 hours or less. Pollenized by Flavor Grenade Pluot® or Santa Rosa plum. (Pat. No. 14599) (Zaiger)
Flavor Supreme Pluot® Interspecific Plum
Taste test winner. Plum/apricot hybrid with sweet, richly flavored, firm red flesh. Greenish-maroon mottled skin. June harvest in Central CA, about two weeks before Santa Rosa. 700-800 hours. Pollenized by Santa Rosa and Late Santa Rosa plums, or Flavorosa, Flavor Queen and Geo Pride Pluot®. (Zaiger)
Geo Pride Pluot® Interspecific Plum
Red-skinned, yellow flesh plum-apricot hybrid. Balanced acid and sugar to predominantly sweet with unique plum-apricot flavor. Medium-sized, very heavy production. Harvest mid-July to early August, just ahead of Flavor Queen Pluot®. Estimated chilling requirement 400 hours or less. Pollenized by Flavor Supreme Pluot®, Dapple Dandy Pluot®, Santa Rosa plum. Good pollenizer for other plums and Pluot® varieties. (Pat. No. 10386) (Zaiger)
All-in-One Genetic Semi-Dwarf Almond
No. 1 almond for home orchards. Heavy crops of soft shell nuts with sweet, flavorful kernels. Hot summer required to ripen. 15 ft. tree, very winter and frost hardy. 300-400 hrs. Self-fruitful. (Zaiger)
Garden Prince Genetic Dwarf Almond
Compact, lushly foliated 10-12 ft. tree. Soft shell, kernels especially sweet and tasty. Bears young and heavy. Large, light pink blossoms. 250 hours. Self-fruitful. (Zaiger)
Ne Plus Almond
Large soft-shelled nut. Long, broad, flat kernel. Spreading tree. Satisfactory pollenizer for Nonpareil in Northern California. 250 hours. Pollenizer required.
Peggy Clarke Flowering Apricot
Prunus mume 'Peggy Clarke'
Prunus mume. Beautiful double dark pink flowers, distinctive fragrance. Early bloom. 20 x 20 ft. long-lived tree.
Bongo Fruiting-Flowering Apricot
Prunus mume 'Bongo'
Prunus mume ‘Bongo’. Flowering apricot (a.k.a. ‘Ume’), large fruit to 2 inches, pinkish-white flowers, distinctive fragrance.
Mokel Fruiting-Flowering Apricot
Prunus mume 'Mokel'
Prunus mume 'Mokel'. Spectacular early pink blooms, 1" to 1 1/4" fruit. Sometimes used for pickling.
Shiro-Kaga Fruiting-Flowering Apricot
(Prunus mume) Fruiting, flowering Japanese Apricot. White, fragrant single petal flowers bloom early in February. Fruits at 1" diameter are harvested for pickling, dehydrating and medicinal purposes. Harvest in mid May. Self-fruitful but best when pollinated by another early blooming apricot like Bongo or Mokel. Required chill 400 hours or less. Best in zones 7-10.
Burgundy Desert Willow
Chilopsis linearis 'Burgundy'
(Chilopsis linearis ‘Burgundy’) Small tree grows moderately fast to 20 ft. Long narrow leaves, distinctive crooked trunks with shaggy bark. Open growing, casts light shade. Attractive, large, trumpet-shaped, fragrant, reddish-purple flowers attract hummingbirds. Long flowering season, spring to fall. Clump form is a multi-stemmed tree. USDA Zones 7-10.