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Sego Nursery
12126 Burbank Boulevard
Valley Village, California 91607
Plant varieties ordered from Dave Wilson Nursery for 2025:
Anna Apple
Remarkable fruit for mild winter climates in So. Calif., So. Ariz. Heavy crops of sweet, crisp, flavorful apples even in low desert. Fresh/cooked. Keeps 2 months in refrigerator. 200 hours. Self-fruitful or pollenized by Dorsett Golden or Einshemer. USDA Zones 5-10.
Fuji Apple
Introduction from Japan that quickly became California’s favorite apple. Sweet, very crisp and flavorful, excellent keeper. Dull reddish orange skin, sometimes russeted. Ripe mid-September. Excellent pollenizer for other apple varieties. Low chilling requirement - less than 500 hours. Self-fruitful. USDA Zones 4-9.
Gala Apple
Wonderful dessert apple from New Zealand. Crisp, nice blend of sweetness and tartness, rich flavor. Skin reddish orange over yellow. Early harvest, 2 - 3 weeks before Red Delicious. Good pollenizer for other varieties. Adapted to cold- and warm-winter climates. Chilling requirement less than 500 hours. Self-fruitful. USDA Zones 4-10.
Granny Smith Apple
From New Zealand. Large, late, green, all-purpose. Crisp, tart, excellent keeper. Requires long summer. Thrives in hot climates. 400 hours. Prolonged bloom: good pollenizer for other apples. Self-fruitful. USDA Zones 6-9.
Multi-Bud Apple, Espaliered 3-tier, Gala, Fuji, Anna, Dors Gldn, Braeb, Gr Smith 6n1
Six low-chill apple varieties on one 3-tier espaliered tree: Gala, Fuji, Anna, Dorsett Golden, Braeburn and Granny Smith
Autumn Royal Apricot
Latest-ripening apricot. Medium to large, oval shaped fruit. Yellow skin with pale orange flesh. Ripens in September. Est. chill requirement 400 hours. Self-fruitful. USDA Zones 7-9.
Royal Rosa Apricot
Extremely vigorous - more disease tolerant than other apricots. Bears young and heavy. Especially nice fruit: sweet, low acid, fine flavor. Very early harvest (late May in Central CA). Excellent backyard apricot. 500 hours. Self-fruitful. USDA Zones 7-9. (Zaiger)
White Knockout Apricot
White fleshed with orange-over-yellow skin. Considered by many to be one of the finest-flavored apricots. Creamy smooth texture with rich sweet apricot flavor. Early June ripening. USDA Zone 8-9
English Morello Sour Cherry
Late-ripening tart cherry for cooking, sometimes eaten fresh when fully ripe. Dark red to nearly black fruit with dark juice. Small, round-headed tree with drooping branches (easy to harvest). European origins obscure, introduced to America prior to 1862. 500 hours or less. Self-fruitful. USDA Zones 4-9.
Royal Crimson Cherry
The long-awaited low-chill self-fruitful sweet cherry from Zaiger Genetics, Royal Crimson is a consistent producer of large, tasty, crimson-red fruit. Harvest is early to mid May. This important new variety is also an excellent pollenizer for Minnie Royal and Royal Lee. Estimated chill requirement 200-300 hours. Patent applied for. (Zaiger)
Lattarula Fig
(A.k.a. “Italian Honey”) Reliable and productive. Greenish yellow exterior color with sweet, honey-amber pulp. Good breba and late summer crop. Naturally semi-dwarf compact plant. Good for small space and container culture. Frost hardy when established. Chill hours 100 or less. Self-fruitful. Best in zones 7-11.
Texas Blue Giant Fig
Extra large fig with purple skin and amber flesh, very sweet. Ever-bearing habit. Self-fruitful. USDA Zones 6-10.
Violette de Bordeaux Fig
Small to medium size purple-black fruit with a very deep red strawberry pulp and distinctive, sweet, rich flavor. Brebas are pear-shaped with a thick, tapering neck; main crop figs are variable, often without neck. Medium eye. Excellent fresh or dried. A naturally small (semi dwarf) tree. Frost hardy. Good for container culture or small spaces. Self-fruitful. USDA Zones 5-10.
Li Jujube
“Chinese date.” The most popular jujube variety. Round shaped fruits are larger than Lang. Reddish brown, dry and wrinkled, sweet and chewy (like dates) when fully ripe in early fall. Attractive, easy to grow tree: hardy, drought resistant, virtually pest and disease free. Requires long, hot summer. Very low chilling requirement. Self-fruitful. USDA Zones 5-10.
Cooke's Pakistan Mulberry
(Morus alba sp.) Selection of Pakistan mulberry. Very sweet fruit to 5 inches long. Heavy bearing beginning in early July. Self-fruitful. Estimated chilling requirement 200 hours. May not be reliably hardy in zones colder than USDA Zone 9.
Pakistan Fruiting Mulberry
Morus alba 'Pakistan'
Long (3 inches), firm, red to black, sweet fruit. Non-staining juice. Month-long early summer harvest. Fruit used fresh and for pies, jams and jellies. Large, vigorous, disease-resistant tree.
Persian Fruiting White Mulberry
Morus nigra 'Alba'
Usually trained as a low hedge or tall shrub. Sweet, white fruit with a pink blush. Attractive to birds. Self-fertile. 200 hours or less. USDA Zones 6-10.
Double Delight Nectarine
Sensational fruit: consistently the best flavored yellow nectarine plus magnificent, double pink flowers. Dark red-skinned, freestone fruit is sweet, with unusually rich flavor - very high scoring in taste tests. Heavy-bearing tree. Harvest early to mid-July in Central CA. 300 hours. Self-fruitful. (Zaiger)
Freckle Face Nectarine
Outstanding mid-season nectarine ripening in late July. Fully flavored from firm to soft ripe, with perfect acid/sugar balance. Dark red skin with lots of sugar spots. Orange-red freestone flesh with deep red veins radiating throughout. USDA zones 6-9.
Earlitreat Peach
Delicious, very early season low-chill peach having flavor and sweetness comparable to midseason varieties. Highly recommended for home orchard planting. Medium-sized, attractive red over yellow skin, yellow flesh. Very nice acid/sugar balance. Early May in Central CA.. 500 hours or less. Self-fruitful. (Zaiger)
May Pride Peach
Very early peach for warm winter climates. Ripens in May, about with Desert Gold. Delicious, sweet and tangy, semi-freestone when fully ripe. Very large for such an early peach. Large, showy pink blossoms. 150-200 hours. Self-fruitful. (Zaiger)
Southern Bartlett Pear
Chance sport of Bartlett found on an old Louisiana homestead. Moderate fire blight resistance. Spreading growth habit. Less than 400 hour chill requirement. Self-fruitful.
Fuyu (Jiro) Persimmon
(“Apple Persimmon”) Medium size, flat shape, still crunchy when ripe, non-astringent. Cool or hot climate. Hardy, attractive tree, practically pest free. Fall harvest. 200 hours. Self-fruitful.
Hachiya Persimmon
Large, deep orange-red, acorn-shaped. Hot summer required to mature the fruit. Sweet, flavorful, astringent until soft ripe. Mature fruit can be frozen and thawed to ripen. Productive, ornamental tree. 200 hours. Self-fruitful.
Izu Persimmon
Very sweet, tasty, non-astringent fruit ripens about three weeks before Fuyu. Medium to large size, round shape. Relatively small tree, good choice for backyard persimmon. 200 hours. Self-fruitful.
Santa Rosa Plum
Most popular plum in California & Arizona. Juicy, tangy and flavorful. Reddish purple skin, amber flesh tinged red. Late June in Central CA. 300 hours. Self-fruitful.
Emerald Southern Highbush Blueberry
Produces abundant clusters of large to very large berries with tasty, balanced sweet flavor. Very productive and highly rated. Zones 7-10. Self-fruitful. Estimated at 250 hours chill or less. (U.S. Plant Patent #12165)
Jewel Southern Highbush Blueberry
One of California's leading commercial varieties due to its high adaptability. Exceptional growth and high yields. Midseason harvest of large to very large berries with tangy sweet flavor. Chill requirement estimated at 200 hours. Self-fruitful, zones 7-10. (U.S Plant Patent #11807)
Sharpblue Southern Highbush Blueberry
Southern highbush. Excellent flavor. Nearly evergreen in mild winter climates. Bears fruit nearly year-round. Vigorous plant to 6 ft. Dime-sized dark blue fruit. 200 hours.
Baba Red Raspberry
Everbearing Red Raspberry - Extra large berries up to 1 1/2" long. Wonderful warm weather variety particularly well suited to Southern California’s coastal and inland valleys. Fine flavor and good for all uses. Bears heavy crop May-July with a smaller late summer crop through fall. Hardy to zero degrees. Self-fruitful. Best in zones 6-11.
Black Satin Blackberry
Thornless - Large firm berries 1.5" to 2", glossy black color fading to dull when ripe. Highly productive, semi-trailing vine with minimal suckering. Midseason harvest. Self- fruitful, but more productive with a second variety. Best in zones 5-9.
Prime Ark Freedom® Blackberry
First thornless primocane blackberry, from U of Arkansas. Large fruit with good flavor, floricane fruit ripens early July. New canes (primocanes) begin fruiting mid-August in years when summer heat is not excessive. For home gardens and local markets; short storage life. Upright growth habit, but may require some support. USDA Zones 5-9. Pat. No. 26990.
Blueberry Grape
Heirloom variety from Chico, CA similar to a seedless Concord. Small to medium with distinct blueberry overtones. Medium-sized clusters color up in August, but develop best flavor when left on the vine during hot autumn weather. Good shelf life when refrigerated. Use for jams, raisins, fresh eating.
Suffolk Red Seedless Grape
Russian seedless x American. Hardier than European grapes, less heat to ripen. Largest berries of the hybrids. Early, excellent quality. 100 hours. Self-fruitful. Cane prune
Syrah Grape
Thompson Seedless Grape
Most popular grape in CA, AZ. Fresh and raisins. Pale green, very sweet. Thin the clusters for larger berries. Needs plenty of heat. 100 hours. Self-fruitful. Cane prune.
Zinfandel Grape
For fruity red wines. Medium size, round, juicy, reddish-black berry, early midseason. Prefers mild winters, cool summer. Heavy bearing. 100 hours. Self-fruitful. Cane or spur prune.
Jenny Self Fertile Kiwifruit
Actinidia deliciosa. The first self-fertile fuzzy kiwi! Large, pubescent, heart-shaped leaves. The vine grows to 15-20 ft. Egg-shaped fruit with fuzzy brown skin and green flesh. Harvest late summer/early fall.
Charles Joly Lilac (French Hybrid)
Dark purplish-red, double flowers. Full flowering and true color reached in 2-3 years. Plants bloom best after cold winters. Full sun (light shade in hottest areas), prefers alkaline soil, average water. 10-15 ft. bush.
Sensation Lilac (French Hybrid)
Single flowers, dark red edged with white. Full flowering and true color reached in 2-3 years. Plants bloom best after cold winters. Full sun (light shade in hottest areas), prefers alkaline soil, average water. 10-15 ft. bush.
Pink Wisteria
(Rosea floribunda) Long cascading flowers, pale lavender to pink.
Purple No. 1 Wisteria
Early bloomer, usually flowers the first season. Long clusters of dark purple flowers.