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Tree Authority
602 Minsi Trail
Perkasie, Pennsylvania 18944
Plant varieties ordered from Dave Wilson Nursery for 2025:
Multi-Bud Apple, Espaliered 3-tier, Northwest Varieties 6n1
Six northwest apple varieties selected for home growing.
GA 866 Jujube
“Chinese date.” Outstanding, two-inch elongated fruit is exceptionally sweet with apple-like flavor. Ripens mid-autumn. Partly self-fruitful or pollenize with another jujube. 200 hours. USDA Zones 5-9.
Honey Jar Jujube
“Chinese date.” Extremely sweet, small to medium sized round fruit. Compact tree-form does well in drought conditions. Party self-fruitful. 200 hours USDA Zones 5-9.
Lang Jujube
“Chinese date.” Pear-shaped fruits are reddish-brown, dry, wrinkled,sweet and chewy (like dates) when fully ripe in early Fall. Attractive, easy to grow tree: hardy, drought resistant, virtually pest and disease free. Requires long, hot summer. Very low chilling requirement. Pollenized by Li or other jujubes. USDA Zones 5-10.
Li Jujube
“Chinese date.” The most popular jujube variety. Round shaped fruits are larger than Lang. Reddish brown, dry and wrinkled, sweet and chewy (like dates) when fully ripe in early fall. Attractive, easy to grow tree: hardy, drought resistant, virtually pest and disease free. Requires long, hot summer. Very low chilling requirement. Self-fruitful. USDA Zones 5-10.
Sugar Cane Jujube
Round fruit is smaller than Li. Sweet, crunchy flesh. Tree is precocious, hardy, drought resistant, virtually pest and disease free. Requires long, hot summer. Very low chill requirement. Partly self-fruitful.
Arctic Glo White Nectarine
Exciting, sprightly-sweet, early season white-fleshed nectarine. High scoring in taste tests: nice balance of sugar and acid, very appealing flavor. Highly recommended for home orchards. Late June/ early July in Central CA. 400-500 hours. Self-fruitful. (Zaiger)
Donut (Stark Saturn) White Peach
Also called Saucer or Peento peach. Unique white-fleshed fruit with a sunken center (shaped like a doughnut). Sweet, with a mild flavor described by some as almond-like. Ripens late June/early July in Central CA. Estimated chilling requirement 200-300 hours. Self-fruitful.
Galaxy White Peach
Saucer style white-fleshed peach, similar to Stark Saturn but larger, 6 oz fruit. Cream skin, blushed red. Sweet, flavorful flesh. Developed by USDA research station in San Joaquin Valley, CA. Ripens late June. Self-fruitful. 450 hours. USDA Zones 5-10.
Giant Babcock White Peach
From a cross of Babcock and July (Kim) Elberta. Large, red-skinned, white-fleshed freestone. Sweet, aromatic, very similar to Babcock. Excellent dessert quality. Harvest about one week after Babcock. 500 hours. Self-fruitful.
White Lady White Peach
Among the best of the low acid/high sugar white peaches - a farmer's market favorite. Red-skinned fruits are medium to large, very firm, freestone. Introduced in 1986. 800 hours. Self-fruitful. (Zaiger)
Fuyu (Jiro) Persimmon
(“Apple Persimmon”) Medium size, flat shape, still crunchy when ripe, non-astringent. Cool or hot climate. Hardy, attractive tree, practically pest free. Fall harvest. 200 hours. Self-fruitful.
Giant Fuyu Persimmon
Larger, not as flat as Fuyu. Crunchy when ripe like Fuyu. Sweet, flavorful, non astringent. Easy to grow, cool or hot climates. Fall harvest. 200 hours. Self-fruitful.
Pawnee Pecan
Newer early harvest variety. Adapted to growing seasons too short for Mahan or Western Schley, such as the northern Central Valley in California. Medium to large, thin-shelled nut. 250 hours. Partly self-fruitful, or plant with Mohawk.
Mesa Carpathian Walnut
From the University of New Mexico. Winter hardy, late blooming. Large, well-sealed nuts are resistant to sunburn. Plump, light-colored kernels of good flavor. 700 hours. Self-fruitful. (Rootstock: NCB walnut.)