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West Coast Arborists
2200 E Via Burton
Anaheim, CA 92806
Plant varieties ordered from Dave Wilson Nursery for 2025:
Kwanzan Flowering Cherry
Prunus serrulata 'Kwanzan'
Spectacular, large, double, rosy pink flowers, drooping clusters. Midseason bloom, long blooming period. Upright tree to 30 ft.
Aristocrat® Flowering Pear
Pyrus calleryana 'Aristocrat'
Showy snow-white blossoms in spring. Attractive glossy foliage turns purplish-red in fall. Fast growing. Pyramidal shape to 40 ft. or more (narrower than Bradford). (Pat. No. 3193)
Redspire Flowering Pear
Pyrus calleryana 'Redspire'
Pyramidal shape, grows to 30-35 ft. by 20 ft. Large, pure white flowers. Glossy green, leathery foliage. Striking fall colors: yellows, oranges, and reds. USDA Zones 6-9.
Krauter Vesuvius Flowering Plum
Prunus cerasifera 'Krauter Vesuvius'
Dark purple leaves, light pink blossoms, little or no fruit. Relatively small tree, 18 ft. high by 12 ft. wide. Favorite purple leaf plum for California. Foliage of newly planted trees sometimes greenish until vigorous growth begins. Traditional K.V. form: 30" trunk. Also grown and sold as low-head (18" trunk) and high-head (5 ft. trunk).
Modesto Ash
Fraxinus velutina glabra 'Modesto'
(Fraxinus velutina glabra) Beautiful deciduous shade tree for arid climates - blight caused by anthracnose fungus may be a problem elsewhere. Vigorous, to 50 by 30 ft. wide. Spectacular yellow fall color. USDA Zones 6-10.
Raywood Ash
Fraxinus oxycarpa 'Raywoodi'
Fast growing, tolerates heat, cold, alkaline soil. Compact, round-headed. Small, delicate leaves, lacy appearance. Purplish-red fall color. No seeds. 25-35 ft.
Western Catalpa
Catalpa speciosa
Widely adapted - cold or hot climates. All soils. Large, heart-shaped leaves, long seed capsules shaped like beans. White flowers in late spring and summer. Flowers & pods litter beneath tree. 40-60 ft. high.
Western Cottonwood (Cottonless)
Populus fremontii
(COTTONLESS) (Populus fremontii) Fast-growing to 60 ft. or more, by 30 ft. wide. Shimmering leaves are especially distinctive, orna- mental. Widely adapted, including desert. Yellow fall color. Invasive roots. USDA Zones 6 to 10.
Bubba Desert Willow
Chilopsis linearis 'Bubba'
(Chilopsis linearis ‘Bubba’) Bi-colored trumpet blooms, pale violet with a yellow throat. Blooms throughout summer. Open habit small tree or large shrub. Seedless. Very drought tolerant. Provide adequate drainage. Herbaceous in coldest climates. USDA Zones 6-9.
Drake Evergreen Elm
Ulmus parvifolia 'Drake'
(Ulmus parvifolia ‘Drake’) Deciduous in cold climates, evergreen elsewhere. Very fast growth to 50 ft. Long arching/weeping limbs, tree wider than tall. Virtually pest/disease-free. USDA Zones 6-10.
Chinese Fringe Tree
Chionanthus retusus
Magnificent in bloom. Moderate grower to 20 ft. Flowers in clusters to 4 inches in length.
Golden Rain Tree
Koelreuteria paniculata
(Koelreuteria paniculata) Slowly reaches 30 by 30 ft. Open habit, gives light shade. Compound leaves, yellow flower clusters, ornamental seed pods. Tolerates heat, wind, drought, cold, alkaline soil. USDA Zones 6-10.
Chinese Hackberry
Celtis sinensis
(Celtis sinensis) Deciduous shade tree, similar to elm, but smaller. Glossy, scallop-toothed, dark green leaves. Deep-rooted, tolerates heat, wind, drought, alkaline soil. 30-40 ft., spreading growth habit. USDA zones 6-9.
Shademaster® Honeylocust
Gleditsia triacanthos inermis 'Shademaster'
(Gleditsia triacanthos inermis ‘Shademaster’) Very fast-growing, deciduous. Tolerates heat, cold, wind, drought, alkaline soil. Distinctive small leaflets, long seed pods. 50-60 ft. USDA Zones 6-9.
Fruitless Mulberry
Morus alba 'Fruitless'
Fast-growing, to 40 by 50 ft., dense shade. Tolerates summer heat, alkaline soil. Drought tolerant, but best with ample water and feeding. Not necessary to prune back to trunk each winter. All zones.
Red Oak
Quercus rubra
(Quercus rubra) Large, slow-growing, round-topped tree to 90 ft. Deciduous. Large leaves, fall color is red to reddish-brown, sometimes orange. Needs fertile soil and ample water. Deep root system. USDA Zones 4-9.
Scarlet Oak
Quercus coccinea
Bright red fall color if autumn nights are cold. Open growth habit, grows moderately fast in good soil to 60 ft. or more. Deeply cut lobed leaves. Deep-rooted: good lawn and street tree. All Sunset Zones, especially 1-11,14,15, 18-20.
Regent® Pagoda Tree
Styphnolobium japonicum (Sophora japonica) 'Regent'
Very fast growing, large glossy leaves, virtually pest free. Uniform growth, reaching 50 by 45 ft. Oak-like bark, dark green leaflets. Interesting flower clusters and seed pods in late summer. Yellow fall color. All zones.
Eastern Redbud
Cercis canadensis
Round-headed tree to 25-35 ft. Large, bright green leaves. Spectacular display of purplish-pink flowers in spring. Fall color in colder climates. Average water. Sunset Zones 1-3, 7-20. USDA zones 3-9.
Forest Pansy Redbud
Cercis canadensis 'Forest Pansy'
(Cercis canadensis `Forest Pansy’) Striking scarlet-colored new foliage turning maroon then green as the leaves mature. Highly valued as a landscape accent. Swelling buds break pinkish-red along the bare branches, similar to Eastern redbud. Moderate grower to 20 ft. with a spreading habit. USDA Zones 4-9.
Oklahoma Redbud
Cercis canadensis 'Oklahoma'
(Cercis canadensis ‘Oklahoma’) Spectacular purplish-red flower clusters in early spring (after flowering plums, before flowering crabapples). Attractive tree with round-shaped canopy and glossy, heart-shaped leaves. Tolerates hot summers. Largest of the redbuds, to 30-35 ft. USDA Zones 4-9.
Western Redbud
Cercis occidentalis
(Cercis occidentalis) Single or multi-trunked tree to 15 by 15 ft. Spectacular, bright purplish-pink sweet-pea-shaped flowers. Yellow to red fall color. Drought tolerant, resistant to oak root fungus. USDA Zones 4-9.
Royal Purple Smoke Tree
Cotinus coggygria ‘Royal Purple’
Purple foliage, rich purple “smoke”: hazy-appearing clusters of fuzzy, purple flower stalks. Multi-trunked shrub or small tree to 20 by 20 ft. Likes cold, needs good drainage, resists oak root fungus. All Zones.
Arizona Sycamore
Platanus wrightii
Medium-sized tree to 60-80 ft., star-shaped leaves having 3-5 sharply pointed lobes. Open, spreading canopy and exfoliating, jigsaw puzzle bark. Native to riparian areas of southern Arizona, New Mexico and Northern Mexico.
California Native Sycamore, low branch
Platanus racemosa
Large tree to 80-100 ft. Large, light green leaves, lobed like maple. Mottled, multi-colored trunks due to bark shedding in patches. Tolerates heat, wind, likes deep watering in summer. Sunset Zones 4-24. USDA zones 5-10.