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Pluot® Interspecific Plums
The most famous of the interspecifics, the Pluot® is a complex hybrid of plum (P. salicina) and other Prunus species, usually including apricot (P. armeniaca). The intense, complex flavors of both the Aprium® and the Pluot® are unique to interspecifics, much like when a blend of fruit juices is an improvement over any of the separate ingredients. Additionally, the sugar content of interspecifics is much higher than in standard plums or apricots, yielding fruit of incomparable sweetness. Pluot® interspecific plum cultivars have predominantly plum parentage and smooth skins like plums.
Pluot® and Aprium® are registered trademarks of Zaiger Genetics of Modesto, California.
See also the overview of Zaiger Interspecifics
Harvest Sequence: Apricot, Plum, Interspecific Hybrid